Supremacy DLC Trailer

On the 26th of May, the Supremacy DLC Trailer came out. Here is the trailer;

There are 4 maps:

1. Kremlin

This map is set in Moscow, Russia. It looks like a big map with many good camping spots. The map scorestreak is the explosives that come out the ground.

2. Parliament

This map is set in London, United Kingdom. This map is very good for snipers as it is also a big map. The map scorestreak comes from the sky, a lot like missile strikes.

3. Compound

Compound is the Atlas training ground, though war has broken out there. This is set in an unknown location and as far as we can see there is no map scorestreak.

4. Skyrise

Skyrise looks like a hotel set in an unknown location, there is no map scorestreak and it looks like a close range map. It combines luxury with war.


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The new Exo-Zombies map is called Carrier, the infection has spread once again. This time zombies are armed with bombs. Also John Malkovich, the person who plays the cleaner, looks like he gets shot within the trailer.

Treyarch Interview – Black Ops III

This is an interview with two of the leading workers of Treyarch, the Call of Duty: Black Ops series creators. It is a forty minute long interview explaining the movements in black ops three, the guns, the zombies, the camouflages, etc.


Supremacy DLC Gun

Copyright – TmarTn

We have had news that the new DLC gun will be a shotgun. As there is only 3 shotguns within the game at the moment, there will be another one in the game.

The name of the shotgun is

Copyright - Evil Dead Wiki
Copyright – Evil Dead Wiki

nicknamed the “Boomstick”. We found this information out when Ryan (PrestigeIsKey) tweeted out to Michael Condrey asking what gun would be coming out in the latest DLC, Supremacy, he got a response from Michael saying #boomstick. We do not know whether this is the exact name of the gun until the DLC comes out.

Royalty Weapons

call-of-duty-advanced-warfare-new-royalty-weapons-1024x429Now 3 Elites of 9 different guns (excluding the M1 Irons which has 4) are now in the game.
These are the Royalty elite variants, these variants have similar statistics to other elite versions, however they are better because they contain another magazine within. Another reason why this set is popular is because they come in the shiny purple camouflage that none of the other elites have.

The 10 guns that have been chosen royaltydude1are currently the most used guns in the game.

Bal-27, HBRa3, AK12, KF5, ASM1, TAC-19, MORS, Pytaek, M1 Irons and the Ameli been chosen to feature in this set. The camoflauge idea is based off the armor you get at Prestige Grand Master (prestige 30).  (As seen on right).